Online dating tips how to break the ice with the first message

Online Dating Tips: How to Break the Ice With the First Message

Hi there, how are you?

Online Dating Tips: How to Break the Ice With the First Message

The main rule you should know while dating online is that first messages matter! Most of the first messages are either lame, or boring and impersonal. However, the first message is extremely important as it's exactly the time when your match decides if he/she should chat with you or not.

The first thing to remember while dating online is saying no to pickup lines. Only a few of them are really good and others would make your interlocutor feel awkward and uncomfortable. Not even saying that most of them are simply lame. So, instead of starting with a pickup line, think of using an opening line.

Start with simple 'Hi!'

The trick is that you need to add something more to that message. Saying simply 'hi' or 'hello' is too impersonal. Use 'hi' as an ice-breaker and then make your match want to talk to you back. The best tip for that is to ask them something:

Hi there, how are you?

Hi! How are you doing today?

Hi, any fun plans for the weekend?

Saw your profile and just had to say hi.

Start with a joke

Just, please, not the dirty one! And also try to avoid the 'knock knock' jokes. Even though some people really like them, the research shows that this type of jokes gets 2% fewer messages. It also doesn't have to be a joke-joke. You can simply say hello in some funny way:

That awkward moment when you try to message a guy/girl and all you can think of is hello.

I’m the good kind of weird. How about you?

I'd decided to give up on finding my soulmate until I saw your profile.

Start with a question to break the ice

Discovering what you have in common right away is a good way to start a conversation. Don't forget to mention something that you've noticed in their profile. And don't mention again topics that are already described in their profile. It would give a bad impression to your match.

You've mentioned that you like rock music. Me too! What is your favorite band?

What’s one thing I should know about you that’s not on your profile?

I love hearing other people’s stories. Do you have a good one to tell?

What’s your idea of the perfect day?

Start with a compliment

It's always a good way to start a conversation and make someone to like you, though there is a fine line between being a nice person and being corny. Try to avoid physical complements like 'hot', 'sexy', 'beautiful' and use words describing personal characteristics like 'nice', 'amazing', 'fascinating'. Also, don't focus too much on their photo but on the profile. It would be more valuable if you mention their interests and hobbies than a profile picture.

You've visited so many countries! Good job ;)

Your favorite book is the one I wanted to read for a long time! Does it worth it?

I like how much you've done for homeless people. You are a really kind person!

Knowing how to use ice-breaking in a right way would really help you to make your first message amazing and make a good first impression. These online dating tips will let you be successful while chatting on dating sites and maybe even in a real life ;)

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